Keeping You Safe While Keeping You Physically Healthy


Shelter-in-place update 12/14/2020 - We are open!

With COVID cases increasing locally as well as worldwide, I want to keep you informed about the status of my practice and our precautions against the pandemic.

Although many businesses are closed, routine medical appointments and medically necessary treatments ARE ALLOWED.  I am here for you, your health, and your well-being.  Staying well and keeping a healthy lifestyle has never been more important – and never more challenging.  Life during COVID is exhausting, stressful, challenging, and, at times, heart-breaking.  We are not always eating right, getting regular exercise or sleep, or taking proper care of ourselves.  If I can help in any way, please do give me a call!


Don’t forget about TELEHEALTH!!!  Telehealth visits work!  You can stay safely at home and still receive very useful information for treatment.  I also provide remote Pilates lessons and teach a weekly Pilates Fundamentals class (great for beginners). The Pilates class is Wednesdays at 1 pm on the Be Well Stay Well network (use my unique link:

My office mate and I continue to stay informed regarding the most current best practices for safety and infection control.  Here are our precautions:

  1. Our days are staggered so that only one practitioner is in the office at a time.

  2. We stagger our client schedule to prevent client-to-client contact.

  3. Our schedule allows downtime between clients so we can thoroughly disinfect all surfaces of contact.

  4. We requiring KN95 masks for practitioners, staff, AND clients (available at cost) whenever you are in our office. These masks must be worn upon entering until leaving the office.

  5. Before you come into the office we do non-contact temperature recordings and health screening.

  6. We will require you to wash your hands with surgical soap upon arrival.

  7. If contact is required for manual therapy, we wear a clean face shield and use disposable gloves and gowns.

  8. There is a “sneeze guard” at the front desk.

  9. We practice social distancing between client and practitioner (whenever possible).

  10. We use fans / air filters and open doors to “flush” the air out of the office between/during visits.

  11. You will be provided a “clean box” for your keys, phone, purse, and clothing while you are in the office.

  12. We waive the late cancellation fee if you become ill and cannot make your appointment.

  13. We limit front desk contact.


We are all about your health. For this reason, we take all of the above precautions to protect you so that we can serve you. See you soon!


Kathleen McDonough, PT, MA, MCPT
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